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Sunday, December 18, 2022. Salah Hammouri was deported from Jerusalem.  [Read detailed story]

Justice for Salah

The campaign calling for the end of persecution against Palestinian human rights defender Salah Hammouri.


Days in exile

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Press release

Relaunch of the Justice for Salah Campaign

While the campaign has taken a short break in order to regroup, strategize and plan the next steps. We are now prepared to continue our work and invite all partners and supporters to join us in advancing the struggle for justice for Salah.

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Press release


Such a move constitutes a war crime of forcible deportation of a protected civilian from the occupied territory, as defined in Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. More importantly, it stands as a horrifying escalation of Israel’s systematic practice of demographic engineering and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem.

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Press release

JusticeforSalah- Campaign Statement

The Israeli settler-colonial authorities are unlawfully deporting French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender Salah Hammouri from his hometown, Jerusalem, to France for “breach of allegiance” to the occupying state.

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Salah's story

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Early life

Salah was born in 1985 in Jerusalem, Palestine, to a Palestinian father and a French mother. His life was shaped by the experience of growing up amidst the grave injustices of Israeli colonisation and occupation, witnessing its daily violence and brutality.

A symbol of justice

Salah Hammouri is a French-Palestinian lawyer, Human Rights Defender (HRD), and former political prisoner who has become synonymous with the Palestinian struggle for justice in Jerusalem.


Salah is presently held under administrative detention, with no charges and no trial, while facing the imminent threat of deportation, giving a renewed urgency to the growing campaign for his freedom.

Make quick actions

Write to Salah

Salah was transferred to Hadarim a high security prison, as punishment for exercising his freedom of expression and sending a letter to the French head of state Emmmanel Macron asking him to act. We invite you all to write a letter to our beloved Human Rights Defender, Salah Hammouri, and send it to the following address:

Salah Hammouri
Hadarim Prison
PO box 165
405000 Even Yehuda


Instantly Tweet

Instantly send a tweet to Urge the new French Minister of Foreign Affairs to pressure Israeli authorities to immediately release lawyer and human rights defender Salah Hammouri and ensure that he can keep his residency status in Jerusalem and continue with his human rights work without fear of reprisals.

.@MinColonna @EmmanuelMacron High on your priority must be to pressure Israel to release French-Palestinian Human Rights defender Salah Hamouri and allow him to live in Jerusalem. His persecution must stop #justiceforsalah

Instantly Tweet

Instantly send a tweet to Urge the new French Minister of Foreign Affairs and President Emmanuel Macron not to engage in the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalemites and to STOP THE DEPORTATION of Salah Hammouri.

.@MinColonna @EmmanuelMacron Do not be a part of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Jerusalem! Stop the forced deportation of Salah Hammouri taking place Sunday [Dec 4th] #justiceforsalah

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December 2000

Salah, age 15, is shot with live ammunition by Israeli occupation forces while participating in a demonstration in Jerusalem at the start of the Second Intifada. He sustained an injury in his right thigh and the bullet remains in Salah’s body until today.


Several occurrences

Salah has been arrested six times, the first as a child at the age of 16. He has since then been arrested at the ages of 19, 32, 35, and 36, a total imprisonment of eight years and eight months.

1 September 2001- 17 January 2002
Salah is arrested at age 16, for participating in student activities during the Second Intifada. Salah was arbitrary imprisoned for over 4½ months and deprived from beginning his school year and studies.
Salah is arrested for allegedly planning an attack against an Israeli Rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual godfather of the ultra-Orthodox Shas Movement and a notorious far-right racist known for his frequent calls for violence against Palestinians. Salah denied the accusations and was imprisoned for seven years rather than accepting an offer of deportation to France for fifteen years.

French, French renowned actor Francois Cluzet comments on the arrest of Salah Hammouri:

30 June 2020- 7 July 2020
Salah is arrested near Sheikh Jarrah medical center in Jerusalem. He is taken to al-Moscobiya Interrogation Center and his detention was extended for an additional eight days under the pretext of further investigation.


Several occurrences

Salah was subjected to administrative detentions with no charges and no trials three times during his lifetime. Salah is currently in Ofer Prison held yet again with no charges and no trail.

20 February 2004- 24 June 2004

Salah is arrested, age 19, from his student dormitory in Bethlehem and placed under administrative detention, i.e. without charge or trial.
“In 2004, I was arrested again. The Minister of Defense at the time made me the youngest “administrative” detainee in Jerusalem.”

29 August 2017
Salah is put on a six months administrative detention order from 29 August 2017 until 28 February 2018. This order was extended for four months, before being renewed for an additional three months.

7 March 2022
Salah is arrested from his home in Kufor Aqab, north of Jerusalem, during a dawn raid by the Israeli occupation forces including special forces units. He is taken from his bed and forced into a stress position until transferred to a military jeep to Ofer military base.

10 March 2022
Salah is issued an administrative detention order for three months without charge or trial. 490 Palestinian administrative detainees are undertaking a collective boycott of Israeli military courts to protest the Israeli occupation’s illegal systematic, and arbitrary practice of administrative detention. Salah joins the boycott, refusing to participate in the military proceedings related to his administrative detention and requests his legal counsel do the same.

Salah was held for 273 days in administrative detention from March 7th until December 5th.

04. BANS

March 2015- September 2016

Salah was banned for a period of six months from traveling to designated areas within the occupied West Bank from his place of residency in Jerusalem. The travel ban order was renewed twice, without any explanation, until it was lifted in September 2016. The ban obstructed Salah’s academic and professional career, as well as his social life.


5 January 2016

Upon return from France, Salah’s partner Elsa was detained at the airport, was denied contact with her husband and family, had her belongings confiscated, and was refused medical attention despite being seven months pregnant. Elsa was deported to France two days later.


Several occurrences

Salah received a decision of his residency revocation on the 17th of October 2021 by the Israeli Minister of Interior Affairs. As a result, Salah lost his right to movement, work, National Social Security, and health insurance. Upon release from his current administrative dentition, Salah is at risk of forcible transfer from his hometown Jerusalem.

Salah was officially notified of the Israeli Minister of Interior’s intention to revoke his permanent Jerusalem residency status due to the so-called “breach of allegiance” to the Occupying State of Israel.

Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked announced the adoption of the recommendations to revoke Salah’s permanent residency on “breach of allegiance” charges, citing intentionally vague and broad allegations and based on withheld “secret information” confirming her intentions to proceed with approving the process.

Israeli Interior Ministry officially notified Salah of the revocation of his permanent residency status in Jerusalem.

Salah receives a letter from the Israeli National Social Security Agency notifying him of his national and health insurance termination due to his “leaving the country” and lack of “proof of residency.”
The Israeli High Court issues a decision rejecting the appeal to suspend procedures regarding Salah’s permanent residency revocation, citing “secret information” provided by the Israeli Interior Ministry determining that Salah continues to pose a “security threat.”
Jerusalem District Court rules to dismiss Salah’s appeal of his permanent residency revocation until a final ruling by the Israeli High Court on the matter.
The Israeli High Court rules against the appeal to suspend procedures regarding Salah’s permanent residency revocation, citing “secret information” provided by the Israeli Interior Ministry determining that Salah continues to pose a “security threat”.


November 2021

An investigation conducted by Front Line Defenders in collaboration with CitizenLab and Amnesty International’s Security Lab, reveals that Salah, and five other Palestinian HRDs, have been hacked by Israeli NSO Group’s notorious Pegasus spyware.


Palestine Civil Society

Salah Hammouri is at risk of deportation as Israel’s Ministry of Interior has taken action to revoke his residency status in East Jerusalem. The Israeli authorities must release Salah Hammouri immediately and ensure that he is allowed to keep his residency status in Jerusalem and continue with his human rights work without fear of reprisals.


Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association calls upon its allies, friends, grassroots, civil society organizations, activists, and people of conscience to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and join Addameer’s global campaign titled “In the Case of the Palestinian People vs. Military Courts” #AgainstMilitaryCourts

Demolish Apartheid not Palestinian Homes

For over 73 years, Israel has forcibly displaced entire Palestinian communities and demolished hundreds of thousands of Palestinians’ homes causing terrible trauma & suffering. Over 6 million Palestinians remain as refugees and today at least another 150,000 are at real risk of losing their homes.

Palestine Civil Society

Join us in standing in solidarity with Palestinian human rights defenders, and send emails to US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, and Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to pressure Israel and oppose this decision unequivocally.

Take action NOW!

Help bring justice to Human Rights Defender Salah Hammouri